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BuntBrain LeakFinder

BuntBrain LeakFinder is web-based software which detects leaks and other anomalies in the water supply network. Leaks and other anomalies are detected and located rapidly and precisely.

It incorporates BuntPlanet’s virtual DMA technology that includes the latest advances in Artificial Intelligence, big data, and hydraulic simulation to pre-locate leaks and other anomalies, minimising risk of damage to infrastructure and reducing operational and maintenance costs.

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For whom

For water utilities who need to:

  • Increase hydraulic performance
  • Mitigate side effects of climate change such as higher risk of pipe breakages and greater risk of drought
  • Mitigate the general effect of climate change and reduce their carbon footprint


  • BuntBrain LeakFinder reduces CAPEX and OPEX
  • It reduces leak detection time due to its accurate leak positioning algorithms
  • It is appropriate for any pipe material and all climate and pressure conditions
  • It is compatible with open networks (without sectorization)