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BuntPlanet renews the trust of Txingudiko zerbitzuak-Servicios de Txingudi

We are pleased to announce that Txingudi-Txingudiko Zerbitzuak Services has renewed its confidence in BuntPlanet by continuing to utilize our AI-based software, BuntBrain, to optimize their supply and sanitation management.

BuntBrain enables streamlined decision-making, reduces water losses, and significantly improves service quality.

Servicios de Txingudi-Txingudiko Zerbitzuak, is a highly innovative company that has stood out for its visionary approach as a pioneer in the implementation of remote meter reading. Their understanding of the importance of data for analysis and decision-making has made them leaders in adopting artificial intelligence to optimize their supply and sanitation network management.

We are grateful to be part of their digital transformation journey and look forward to continued collaboration in achieving even greater accomplishments in the future.

Contact BuntPlanet to help you improve the efficiency of your service.