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The revolution in digitalization to improve water quality is here

We are very happy to announce that BuntPlanet has won the tender called by EMAYA (Empresa Municipal d’Aigües i Clavegueram, S.A.) in Palma (Spain) for the contracting of the Pilot system for the control of water quality by means of online equipment with the help of artificial intelligence.

The project will consist of integrating our BuntBrain WaterQuality module with the GIS, Scada and SAP commercial systems, among others.

The scope of the project includes the segmentation of consumers and the feedback captured with the mobile application WebApp. This segmentation will allow the design of specific awareness campaigns for specific user groups.

In addition, a digital twin will be generated based on the hydraulic model of the network and the information from the sensors available. The twin will be the basis for quality-related optimizations (chlorine dispensing and source prioritization).

One of the most ambitious objectives of the project will be the prioritization of sources according to target mineralization, given the association that in some cases is produced by the user between water quality and mineralization. The system will propose adaptive dynamic instructions for the prioritization of sources by searching for the target mineralization and considering the existing constraints (production cost, resource level, etc.).

This big digital transformational step will drastically boost customer satisfaction by improving the experience of to drink water.