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PERTE plan for the Digitization of the Water Cycle

Spain approves first call for applications for grant funding under the PERTE plan for the Digitization of the Water Cycle.

The Spanish Government has approved the first call for applications under its Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (PERTE) for the Digitizing of the Water Cycle. The PERTE, approved in March 2022, forms part of Spain’s response to the challenge of achieving sustainable, decarbonized, efficient water use, in order to promote adaptation to climate change.

The first call for applications under the PERTE was published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on 1st October, 2022, as Order TED/934/2022, dated 23rd September 2022. The order approves the rules of a competitive framework for the award of funding for projects to improve the efficiency of the urban water cycle. The deadline to submit project proposals is 10th February, 2023.

BuntPlanet would like to offer its Artificial Intelligence Platform and its expertise in developing projects that would qualify for these grants to all water services managers, both private and public. This offer extends not only to this first call, but also to the following calls for applications under the PERTE.

Please contact us for information about ways in which we might work together with you and help you with your application.