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BuntPlanet has won the tender called by Essbio S.A. and Nuevosur S.A. for the Management of Events and Assets in Networks

The objective of the tender is to visualize, control, optimize and increase the efficiency the management of drinking water and wastewater networks, through the implementation of a software for operational intelligence. To carry out this task, the BuntBrain Artificial Intelligence Platform, developed by BuntPlanet, will be implemented in the networks, more specifically its modules for distribution network event management LeakFinder, DigitalTwin and AssetManager.

The BuntBrain solution is therefore a solution for Operational Intelligence, through integration of different data sources and IT systems, such as Service Order Management, Call Centre, GIS systems, etc.

The total km of network to be implemented with the solution is 11,000 km and will serve a total of 1,100,000 customers.

This international tender has been won in a tough competition with six other bidders, which makes the achievement even more valuable.

The contract has a total duration of 36 months and also includes technical consultancy work to review existing plans to date and propose new actions to help improve the hydraulic performance of existing networks.

BuntPlanet would like to thank Essbio and Nuevosur for their confidence in us.

This award reinforces the company’s internationalization strategy and its implementation in the Chile market, where pilots have already been carried out with outstanding success.

Contact us to see how we can help you to improve your water service.