We are delighted to announce that Companyia d’Aigües de Vilanova i la Geltrú, the water utility of Vilanova I la Geltrú in Barcelona, Catalonia, has renewed its trust in BuntPlanet.
The extension of the contract for BuntPlanet’s Artificial Intelligence software and services reflects Companyia d’Aigües de Vilanova i la Geltrú’s commitment to excellence and its efforts to innovate and digitalise its services. BuntPlanet’s BuntBrain AssetManager module has already been successfully deployed in the Vilanova I la Geltrú water network and we hope to achieve continued successes as we roll out additional products and services.
BuntPlanet would like to thank Companyia d’Aigües de Vilanova i la Geltrú for its confidence in our products and our team, and we look forward to providing a high level of service on an ongoing basis.